Kidney Center

 The Kidney Center in our hospital is located in the southern ward on the 10th floor. Overall, 19 dialysis beds are available, which is a relatively large number among university hospitals.

 In this center, 17 doctors (Nephrologist), 19 nurses, 5 clinical engineers, and 3 dieticians are involved in the medical treatments of hemodialysis (HD), hemodiafiltration (HDF), hemofiltration (HF), etc., for CKD. About 40 patients are currently receiving peritoneal dialysis treatment.

 Many patients who receive dialysis treatment in our hospital require dialysis initiation, dialysis with special care, treatment for dialysis complications, etc. Recently, the numbers of elderly patients and patients with diabetes/hypertension who require dialysis have increased along with those with shunt problems and complications involving the cardiovascular system.

 The numbers of patients with various complications who are unable to undergo dialysis are also increasing. At our center, we are continuously trying to achieve stable dialysis treatment that does not cause complications by adopting the appropriate dialysis treatment and dialysis technique.

 The Kidney Center also provides efficient and systematic specific blood purification (plasma exchange therapy, double-filtration plasmapheresis (DFPP), leukocytapheresis, LDL adsorption, Cell-free and Concentrated Ascites Reinfusion, etc.) for various disorders such as gastrointestinal disorders, blood diseases, and neuropathy, apart from dialysis therapy for chronic kidney diseases.

 Furthermore, the doctors in the center take care of continuous blood purification therapy in hemodynamically unstable patients including those requiring dialysis postoperatively, those who are critically ill with acute renal failure, and those with septic shock.

 Lastly, in the Kidney Center, along with dialysis treatment, we also provide various educational activities, such as dialysis initiation education classes and peritoneal dialysis education program (MASCAT) for medical facilities.